internet marketing

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Build to flip

A site I have been following closely of late is by Andy Hagens.
Andy is a noted search engine optimization consultant who just hung up his consultant spurs in favor of building sites to flip.

With Vancouver real estate prices being what they are after the last heat up, an alternative that is becoming more and more attractive is finding underdeveloped websites and building them up to sell. Andy has several great posts on this topic and has suggested in the past that this is the way to go rather than spending time consulting.

Another, related site worth checking out is
Second Life is a virtual world where over 6 million people lead second lives. While I'm not going to do a review of Second life and all of its many business uses (just Google it!) I recently heard the world has produced its first virtual real estate millionaire, millionaire in real terms of USDs.

Crazy stuff...perhaps I'm in the wrong business? :)

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